江南app平台官网 车出现高噪声高温是因为什么?

来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2022-02-18 发布人:admin
江南app平台官网 车的高噪声高温原因
Causes of high noise and high temperature of self loading concrete mixing tank truck
1. The amount of water in the car washing water tank is not enough to remove. Fill the car wash water tank with water.
2. If the air inlet of the straw is blocked or blocked, check and tighten the straw. Don't breathe air.
3.江南app平台官网 车油箱液位过低,并且油液中的空气被吸入泵中。如果发生这种情况,您可以添加带有相同标签的液压油。
3. The liquid level in the oil tank of the self feeding concrete mixing tank truck is too low, and the air in the oil is sucked into the pump. If this happens, you can add hydraulic oil with the same label.
4. If the mounting bracket of the pump is not firm enough, vibration and noise will be generated during operation. In this case, the oil pump support can be reinforced.
5. Blocked filter element will make oil absorption difficult or insufficient. In this case, clean the filter element or replace the filter element.
6. The oil cooling fan is not turned on. Remove: turn on the cooling fan.
7. If the hydraulic oil does not meet the requirements or the oil is too viscous, please replace the low viscosity hydraulic oil that meets the label requirements.
8.江南app平台官网 车储罐中有坚硬的混凝土。如果发生这种情况,请及时清理并铲起。
8. There is hard concrete in the storage tank of the concrete mixer truck. If this happens, please clean and shovel it in time.
9. The connection angle between the input universal joint shaft and the connection angle between the universal joint shaft and the power take-off is too large. If it is loosened, it will produce noise. In this case, please check and tighten it within a time.
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This article is provided by the manufacturer of self loading concrete mixing tank truck. Our website is: //www.scritchies.com/ We will provide you with services with wholehearted enthusiasm. Welcome to visit