如何检查江南app官方网站下载安装苹果 的系统

来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2022-04-16 发布人:admin
When using automatic concrete mixer, the failure of anti lock system will affect the normal operation of automatic concrete mixer. However, if the anti lock braking system of automatic concrete mixer fails, it shall be solved in time. Otherwise, the construction efficiency will be affected. How to check the anti lock braking system of automatic concrete feeding mixer?
1.确保江南app官方网站下载安装苹果 上的驻车制动器已完全释放。
1. Ensure that the parking brake on the self loading concrete mixer has been fully released.
2. Check whether the liquid level in the brake storage tank of the automatic concrete loader meets the requirements of this manual.
3. Check all brake pipes of automatic concrete mixer for signs of damage or leakage.
4. Check whether all fuses, wires and sockets in the anti lock braking system are intact.
5. Check whether the battery capacity and voltage meet the requirements, and whether the connection between positive and negative wires is reliable.
6. Ensure anti lock braking system and ECI_ The I connector is firmly connected.
7.检查电路连接是否腐蚀,损坏,松动或接触不 良。每个ABS接地线的接地是否可靠?
7. Check the circuit connection for corrosion, damage, looseness or poor contact. Is the grounding of each ABS grounding wire reliable?
8. Check whether the tire meets the requirements.
9.检查江南app官方网站下载安装苹果 的车轮是否旋转,轮毂轴承间隙是否正常。
9. Check whether the wheels of the self feeding concrete mixer rotate and whether the hub bearing clearance is normal.
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The above is a detailed introduction to the manufacturers of automatic self feeding mixer truck. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service //www.scritchies.com/