江南app平台官网 车使用后的清洗保养!

来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2020-04-11 发布人:admin
  混凝土搅拌罐车一般在放料完成后,卸料部分会残留许多混凝土,一般情况下用清水清理即可,可是遇到已经凝固在混凝土搅拌运输罐上的情况下,我们该怎么办? 混凝土搅拌运输罐在完成方料后就应当进行的清洗保养及维护。
  Generally, after discharging, there will be a lot of concrete left in the discharging part of the concrete mixer truck, which can be cleaned with clear water in general, but what should we do when it has solidified on the concrete mixer tank? The concrete mixing transport tank shall be cleaned and maintained professionally after the completion of the material.
  In order to avoid reducing the service life of the concrete mixing and transportation tank, many tank car drivers know this truth, and often clean and maintain the unloading part of the concrete mixing and transportation tank, but there is a problem that we often ignore, that is, if the cleaning solution is not easy to use, it will also cause damage to the unloading part.
  1. Use a good cleaning solution, master the correct method, appropriate amount, and refer to the instructions of the cleaning solution for the correct use standard, or the chemical composition in the cleaning solution will damage the relevant results of the concrete mixing and transportation tank.
  2、选择清洗液,一般用常见的碱性溶液,不要使用化学成分高的,浓度高的清洗产品。 混凝土搅拌运输罐在日常生活中是使用非常频繁的,所以,清洗混凝土搅拌运输罐也是相当重要的。
  2. Choose cleaning solution, generally use common alkaline solution, do not use cleaning products with high chemical composition and high concentration. The concrete mixing and transportation tank is used very frequently in daily life, so it is very important to clean the concrete mixing and transportation tank.
  以上内容由 厂家整理发布,更多相关信息可以点击官网进行咨询: //www.scritchies.com/
  The above content is collated and released by Zhongke Jufeng factory. For more information, please click the official website for consultation: http://www.jufengjiabangji.com/