江南app平台官网 车的减震器怎么保养?

来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2020-05-05 发布人:admin
  There are also many parts on the mixer chassis. Shock absorbers are parts you should be familiar with. During the mixing process, the vibration damper usually makes noise when the car is running. This is because the vibration damper and spring leaf, frame or shaft collide with each other, the rubber pad is damaged or the dust pipe of the vibration damper is deformed, lack of oil and other reasons. How to judge whether the vibration damper is good?
  If there is any fault or problem with the shock absorber of the hybrid vehicle, first check whether the shock absorber has oil leakage, then press down the bumper firmly and release it. If the hybrid vehicle has two or three jumps, it means that the shock absorber is good. The emergency brake of mixer is slowly starting. If the vibration of the vehicle is better, it means that there is a problem with the shock absorber. The shock absorber that needs to be removed is upright, and the bottom ring vise is clamped on. Put the pressure impact bar several times, this time it should be a stable resistance. The pull-up resistance should be greater than the resistance drop. If or the unstable resistance, it may be the internal lack of oil baffle or the damage of valve parts, Repair or replacement parts shall be terminated and sent for repair immediately.
  The oil leakage of the mixer damper is generally caused by the following reasons:
  1. 减振器内部清洁度不够好,有焊渣、铁屑等杂物导致油封磨损。
  1. The internal cleanliness of the shock absorber is not good enough. There are welding slag, iron chips and other sundries that cause the oil seal to wear.
  2. 减振器工作条件较差,砂石、泥浆等外部杂物进入油封,造成油封磨损、泄漏。
  2. The working condition of the shock absorber is poor. Sand, mud and other external sundries enter the oil seal, causing the oil seal to wear and leak.
  3. The oil seal lip of the shock absorber is aged and has lost the sealing function.
  4. 可能是底盘装甲喷涂时减振器防护不好,减振器活塞杆上的装甲附着导致油封磨损和漏油。
  4. It may be that the shock absorber is not well protected when spraying the chassis armor, and the armor on the piston rod of the shock absorber adheres to cause the oil seal to wear and leak.
  5. 控制活塞运动的支撑杆需要在金属管的一端伸出,所以这部分必须密封好。
  5. The supporting rod controlling the movement of the piston needs to extend at one end of the metal pipe, so this part must be sealed.
  6. 一般情况下,混合器的液压减振器漏油表明它的使用寿命提高了。
  6. In general, the oil leakage of the hydraulic shock absorber of the mixer indicates that its service life is improved.
  The vibration damper of agitator chassis is very important. Many people are easy to ignore it when they do maintenance. I hope to read this article, which can draw people's attention to the vibration damper.