江南app平台官网 车容易堵管怎么办?

来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2020-05-20 发布人:admin
  We all know that there are technical requirements for the operation of the concrete mixing pump truck. Strict operation in accordance with the technical requirements will help to improve the construction efficiency and avoid risks. The following is a summary of the operation requirements of the small mixer:
  1. 确保操作员高度集中
  1. Ensure high concentration of operators
  小型江南体育下载地址 的操作人员的能量水平是关重要的。小型江南app平台官网 车的操作人员在泵车施工过程中要保证能量的集中,时刻注意泵车的各项参数,尤其是小型江南app平台官网 车的压力表数据。一旦发现压力表数据异常,要及时采取相应的方法,防止管道堵塞的现象,保证泵车的正常施工。如出现管路堵塞现象,应及时按规范处理或联系厂家售后人员处理。
  The energy level of the operator of the small concrete mixer is very important. The operator of the small concrete mixer truck should ensure the energy concentration during the construction of the pump truck, and pay attention to the parameters of the pump truck, especially the pressure gauge data of the small concrete mixer truck. Once abnormal data of pressure gauge is found, corresponding measures shall be taken in time to prevent pipeline blockage and ensure normal construction of pump truck. If the pipeline is blocked, it shall be handled according to the specification or contact the manufacturer's after-sales personnel.
  2. 选择正确的泵送速度
  2. Select the right pumping speed
  More haste, less speed. Never adjust the pump speed too fast due to construction peak period and other reasons. Special attention shall be paid to the first pumping, so when the first time is used, the resistance of all pipes is relatively large, which requires the method of low-speed pumping, and the test shall be carried out after the pumping phenomenon is normal, so as to gradually improve the pumping speed of concrete.
  3. Control the amount of paint at any time
  在小型江南app平台官网 车的施工过程中,操作人员要始终注意料斗内的油漆,不要让油漆低于搅拌轴,当然也不要让料斗内的油漆积聚太多。这主要是由于在泵送过程中,如果料斗中的油漆过少,就会简单地吸入空气,从而导致管道堵塞的爆发。那么如果有太多的油漆在漏斗里呢?过多不利于粗骨料和较大骨料的及时分选,也会导致管道堵塞的爆发。
  In the construction process of small concrete mixer, the operator should always pay attention to the paint in the hopper, do not let the paint lower than the mixing shaft, of course, do not let the paint in the hopper accumulate too much. This is mainly because in the process of pumping, if there is too little paint in the hopper, it will simply inhale air, resulting in the explosion of pipe blockage. So what if there are too many paints in the funnel? Too much is not conducive to the timely sorting of coarse aggregate and large aggregate, and will also lead to the outbreak of pipe blockage.
  4. 处理混凝土坍落度低的问题
  4. Deal with the problem of low slump of concrete
  在小型江南app平台官网 车的施工中,施工人员必须时刻注意料斗中混凝土的坍落度。斗混凝土坍落度,如果是施工过程中发现的非常小,无法进行正常的跳动,操作员不能贪婪采取强制注入或水混合施工方法,很容易形成一个阻塞管从而影响的力量建设。你会怎么做?施工方应及时松开混凝土搅拌漏斗底部。
  In the construction of small concrete mixer, the constructors must pay attention to the slump of concrete in the hopper at all times. If the slump of bucket concrete is found to be very small in the construction process, it is unable to perform normal beating, and the operator cannot greedily take the forced injection or water mixing construction method, it is easy to form a blocking pipe and affect the power construction. What would you do? The builder should loosen the bottom of the concrete mixing funnel in time.
  5. 注意管道问题
  5. Pay attention to pipeline problems
  在施工过程中,小型江南app平台官网 车如果需要停车,必须控制好停车时间,否则会在管道中形成混凝土,给下道施工带来不便,容易形成管道堵塞的现象。此外,施工完成后的小型混凝土搅拌泵车要及时清理管道,并保证管道的清洁和干净,防止下次使用管道。
  In the construction process, if the small-scale concrete mixer needs to stop, it must control the stop time, otherwise it will form concrete in the pipeline, which will bring inconvenience to the next construction and easily form the phenomenon of pipeline blockage. In addition, after the completion of construction, the small concrete mixer truck shall clean the pipeline in time, and ensure the cleanness and cleanness of the pipeline to prevent the pipeline from being used next time.