
来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2021-01-20 发布人:admin
Steel tire is a structural form of radial tire.
According to different cord materials used in carcass and belt, radial tire can be divided into three types: all steel radial tire, semi steel radial tire and all fiber radial tire. It consists of tread, carcass, sidewall, buffer layer, bead and inner liner.
Radial tire has reasonable structure and better performance than bias tire. It is characterized by good puncture resistance, good cushioning performance, low driving temperature, good stability and performance, and high economic benefit.
The difference between full steel tire and half steel tire
1. The logo is different
全钢丝胎是在侧壁上写着sidewall后面数字 STEEL。胎顶与胎体里面的网状结构都是由钢丝组成。
All steel tire is written with the number steel behind sidewall on the sidewall. The network structure in the fetal roof and carcass is composed of steel wire.
半钢丝胎是在侧壁上写着sidewall后面数字 POLYESTER。胎顶里面有钢丝层,而胎体网状结构是尼龙材料的。
On the sidewall of the semi steel tire, the number behind sidewall is written as "polyester". There is a steel wire layer in the top of the tire, and the network structure of the carcass is made of nylon.
2. Different uses
All steel tire is used in trucks, buses, buses and other heavy vehicles.
Semi steel tire car, pickup truck, business car, etc.
3. The appearance is different
The full steel tire looks thick, the pattern is simple and deep, the weight is much heavier than the half steel tire, and the shape is also larger than the half steel tire.