江南app平台官网 车的使用要点

来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2023-04-26 发布人:admin
由于现在农村建设发展快,人们对江南app平台官网 车的需求不断增加。大型混凝土自动上料搅拌车造价高、维修费用高,因此在建设中江南app平台官网 车成逐步增加趋势。今天小编给大家讲解的是 江南app平台官网 车的使用要点,下面一起来看看吧!
Due to the rapid development of rural construction, the demand for self feeding concrete mixer trucks is constantly increasing. The cost and maintenance cost of large-scale automatic concrete loading and mixing trucks are high, so the trend of self loading concrete mixing tank trucks is gradually increasing in construction. Today, the editor will explain the key points for using self feeding concrete mixer trucks. Let's take a look together!
1. Hydraulic drive system: The hydraulic system is the core system of the mixer truck. To ensure the normal operation of the mixing truck and the mixing tank, it is necessary to check the hydraulic oil level of the oil radiator and gearbox before each vehicle start to ensure that the oil level indicator is within the window range. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure its cleanliness to prevent dust particles and moisture from contaminating the hydraulic oil of the system, causing it to malfunction or damage.
2. Water supply system: The recommended amount of water for a pneumatic water supply system is generally three-quarters of the water tank; All valves in the waterway system of the vehicle should be in a closed state when driving to avoid affecting the braking performance of the vehicle or sintering friction plates, thereby affecting the braking performance of the vehicle.
It is prohibited to weld or modify the water tank at will to avoid heavy objects hitting it; Regularly inspect the valve body for blockages or abnormal operation; When used in environments with the possibility of freezing, the water supply system must empty the stored water to prevent pipeline freezing and cracking; Regularly check the sealing of the system, and after disassembly and repair, apply thread sealant to key parts.
3. Mixing drum: After the first 50 hours of use, it is necessary to promptly check whether the bolts on the tank and other parts are loose. Before driving every day, the lubrication of the supporting rollers and raceways should be checked. The protective cover of the supporting rollers should be opened once a month to clean the internal oil stains and add lubricating grease.
此外江南app平台官网 车如果没有及时保养维修,再者或许是因为没有正确的保养,就会出现一定的问题,要做到如下:
In addition, if the self feeding concrete mixing tank truck is not maintained and repaired in a timely manner, or perhaps due to incorrect maintenance, certain problems may occur. The following measures should be taken:
1. Avoid adding oil without changing it
2. Concrete truck operators should avoid installing cylinder liners and pistons without selecting new products
3. Cement transport vehicles should avoid not checking the plunger stroke allowance
江南app平台官网 车在保养时也要会保养才可以,错误的保养方法不仅会使设备的质量有所下降,严重的可能会损坏某些零件,这在很大程度上降低了它的使用寿命,那么希望通过今天的学习,大家在日后的保养时一定要注意,千万不要犯同样的错误。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.scritchies.com咨询吧!
The self feeding concrete mixing tank truck also needs to be maintained during maintenance. Incorrect maintenance methods not only reduce the quality of the equipment, but may even damage certain parts, greatly reducing its service life. Therefore, through today's learning, everyone must pay attention to future maintenance and never make the same mistake. For more related content, come to our website //www.scritchies.com Consult!