
来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2020-04-01 发布人:admin
  就是所谓的:磨刀不误砍柴工。维护江南体育下载地址 的方法有很多,但不管怎样。只要维护好水泥搅拌车,它的使用寿命和性能就不会很快丧失,从而为我们创造更多的效益。我们的日常检查是非常必要和简单的维护。但如果发现减速器是如何处理异常的声音,那么小编就告诉大家。
  It's the so-called: sharpening a knife doesn't miss cutting wood. There are many ways to maintain the concrete mixer, but no matter what. As long as the cement mixer is well maintained, its service life and performance will not be lost soon, so as to create more benefits for us. Our daily inspection is a very necessary and simple maintenance. But if you find out how to deal with the abnormal sound of the reducer, then the editor will tell you.
  As a doctor, it's the same as a car mechanic. Doctors look, listen, ask and cut, while we all look, check and recheck. Next, I'll explain to you how to deal with abnormal sound in the reducer:
  1. 如在使用过程中发现减速器响应异常,应进行以下检查:
  1. If abnormal response of reducer is found during use, the following inspection shall be carried out:
  Because there is abnormal sound, we all know that the sound is caused by vibration, so the impact will produce vibration and sound. First, open the reducer to see if there is any foreign object impact, if we do not carry out the next inspection. Check whether the oil in the reducer is sufficient. If there is no oil between the gears, it will wear. If there is no oil lubrication between the iron and the iron, it will wear the rings. If this happens, we need to make the next decision, that is, the degree of gear wear. Part of the oil is released as a test sample. If a large number of black iron chips are found in the oil and the gear is seriously worn, it needs to be replaced in time. If not, change the oil.
  2. 小型江南app平台官网 车装货时异常声响
  2. Abnormal sound during loading of small concrete mixer
  First, again, the sound is caused by vibration. Find the source of the sound and check whether the source of the screw is loose. This situation is very common. It is common that if there is a tightening screw that can be fixed, if not, it is an internal problem of the reducer. We need to test the oil before we make a decision.
  3.我们操作了步骤1和步骤2后,减速器里有嗡嗡的声音。当发现减速器是正确的,我们应该考虑是否其他部分的小江南体育下载地址 坏了。然后我们应该进一步检查其他部件,以下两部分是先检查:液压泵、电机。检查这些项目后,我们可以几乎所有的问题。
  3. After we operate step 1 and step 2, there is a buzzing sound in the reducer. When the reducer is found to be correct, we should consider whether the other parts of the small concrete mixer are broken. Then we should further check other parts, the following two parts are the first check: hydraulic pump, motor. After checking these items, we can solve almost all problems.
  这只是 搅拌车小编的一些个人意见,希望能帮助广大的车友,希望广大的江南app平台官网 车和水泥搅拌车司机分享自己的维修经验,从而帮助更多的人。
  This is just a few personal opinions of Xiaobian, hoping to help the majority of car owners, and hope that the majority of concrete mixer truck and cement mixer truck drivers share their own maintenance experience, so as to help more people.